It seems like we’re all exhausted now more than ever as educators’ responsibilities have increased due to COVID 19.
Your Zooming for hours a day.
You are creating multiple formats of lesson plans for hybrid learning and total distance learning.
You are Uploading documents in a module.
You name it; you’re doing it.
Being only a month within a new school year, the stress becomes unsurmountable to deal with daily.
Know that you are not alone.
Articles from sources like the Resilient Educator help, but they don’t seem to provide enough self care tips that drill down to a deeper level.
That’s why I wanted to share with you 6 Self Care Tips that educators may want to remember occasionally.
Self Care Tips
Devote chunks of time where you are offline and doing nothing. I know, I know. It’s easier said than done. Getting away from it will make you more efficient than if you burn the candle at both ends.
Exercise. Stretch your legs and burn off some calories. It will help you clear your head not to mention give your body a much-needed workout.
Reorganize. Create a new list daily of things you have to do versus what you would like to do. As you create the list, identify items that can make your life easier. For example, I spoke with a teacher yesterday who said that they had to upload their Zoom link daily on their Home Page. It’s here where I asked them to check their Settings to see if there’s a way to use a recurring link until you’ll want to decide to change it.
Schedule time for specific tasks. When preparing your day or week, devote time specifically to that task, and make recurring appointments on your calendar. Having them set gets you in doing things, whereas you may forget and have to do something late at night or even early in the morning.
Find places where others have created things you need. Don’t reinvent the wheel. Places like the Canvas Community helps educators who use the Canvas Platform share lessons for free. Regarding Schoology, Common Sense Education, Teachers Pay Teachers are two good sites I would recommend that you visit.
The Rabbit and Tortoise Race
I close out with this reminder.
Although we want to go lightning speed and complete everything quickly, those who keep a slow and steady pace will win the race.
When you remember this, you will have the most significant self care tip anyone can share with you.
Do you have any self care tips to add that can help educators or parents?
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